
Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Bill said...

"Different world view"

Boy, I'll say. The libs don't get it, and never will. Unfortunately, I am afraid neither will the liberal Catholics in our parishes.

Jenny said...

Ah, yes, Father Morris said it best: "This is about the reach of government."

Bill said...

What I heard in the video, though, was Fr. Martin.

qwikness said...

I hate it when the lefties say, "70% of Catholic women use contraception." as if the Catholic doctrine is based on popular opinion.

Templar said...

Of course Catholics use Contraception. I did too, for years and years. Why?


How are Catholics supposed to know what they should do if CCD doesn't teach it, it's not picked up and expounded upon from the Pulpit, and the Pastor never puts anything about it in the Bulletin even? For decades Homilies consisted of: "God Loves You. Love him back. Love him by Loving Others. Thansk for coming and spending your time with Jesus for an hour."


Bill said...

Exactly, Templar.

Read Msgr. Wrenn's books for a good treatment of what happened to catechetical instruction.

TCR said...

Notice how the lefty libs love to throw around useless statistics? If 60 percent of women decide that it is not good to have more than one child, will it be in the public good to limit families? If 60 percent of the population believes that handicapped or elderly people have no right to exist, will it be in the interest of the "majority" to support euthanasia? Welcome to Communist China and Nazi Germany, folks, both providers of big solutions based on the gods of statistics.

The propaganda of the left becomes more ridiculous with each talking head. All the whining about Catholic women needing access to contraception, how infantile. It was refreshing to hear Hannity and Fr. Morris clearly state the nature of this battle and for Fox to air the clip of Obama in Turkey when he clearly stated that we are no longer a nation under God---a chilling moment indeed.

Anonymous said...

One point that I don't hear anyone making, either on this blog or in the media, is that this isn't just about Catholics avoiding contraception/abortion/sterilization. It's also about not providing these things to others who are non-Catholic. The Natural law applies whether someone is Catholic or not. Thus, while we can't stop anyone from using these things, it is wrong under the objective natural law for us to provide it to anyone, Catholic or non-Catholic, Christian or non-Christian, theist or atheist.

This needs to be made clear to avoid the relativistic idea that birth control isn't just something that Catholics see as wrong. Rather, it objectively is wrong, and Catholics thus must have nothing to do with it.

Catholic Mission said...

Monday, March 11, 2013
Fr.Jonathan Morris suggests he can physically see the dead
The priest who who has spoken on many subjects and who can be seen on Youtube is claiming something irrational though politically correct.The Fox News Channel commentator appears rational in most respects except when he suggests that he can see the dead saved who are exceptions to the traditional teaching on the need of the Church for salvation.

He was a theological consultant to Mel Gibson when the Passion was being filmed in Rome.Mel Gibson does not claim that he can see the dead. Fr.Morris does.

So for Mel Gibson every one needs to be a visible member of the Catholic Church for salvation. For Fr.Morris there are known exceptions.He can physically see these exceptions. He knows them personally.

Recently in a commentary on Fox News he chose to make the irrational, non Catholic statement that every one does not have to be Catholic for salvation.

If he did not make this statement he would have caused a controversy for himself, just like Mel Gibson. He would be saying that all non Catholics, Jews included, in New York and the rest of the world, need to enter into the Catholic Church for salvation and he does not know of any exception.This would be difficult for someone who wants a career on U.S Television.-Lionel Andrades

Monday, March 11, 2013
Fr.Jonathan Morris' statement shows what is being taught in the Archdiocese of New York and the Legion of Christ communities and universities

Catholic Mission said...

Fr.Jonathan Morris needs to apologise-says Michael Voris
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013
Will Father Jonathan Morris apologise?

MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013
Fr.Jonathan Morris' statement shows what is being taught in the Archdiocese of New York and the Legion of Christ communities and universities

MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013
Fr.Jonathan Morris suggests he can physically see the dead